Why Rabbits may eat their poop

Jaguza Farm Support > Rabbit Farming > Why Rabbits may eat their poop

Why Rabbits may eat their poop

No one wants to see Rabbits eating their own poop. However, this is a normal behavior for rabbits and a vital part of their digestive process. In fact, what rabbits are consuming is not actual feces, but something called cecotropes.

Cecotropes (other names include “cecal droppings” or “night droppings”) are actually made in a different part of the digestive tract than feces. This process is known as coprophagy, and functions the same as cows chewing their cud.

Cecotropes are often smaller and softer and bunched together.

They have a fermented scent and they provide important nutrients for the rabbit who made them. 

It is important to learn the difference between this and diarrhea, as these are not cause for alarm.

You may not observe this behavior as it is often performed at night and the rabbit will eat them straight from their fuzzy behind.

If you do witness this behavior, do not be alarmed or try to prevent them from this behavior. It is very important to the health and well-being of rabbit residents.

It’s very important for a rabbit’s digestive system to keep moving fluidly, as they need to re-ingest their cecotropes in order to get the nutrients they need. If anything gets stuck in a rabbit’s esophagus or intestines, they’re out of luck, since they’re incapable of vomiting.

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