Jaguza Tech Support Platform
Jaguza Livestock has been designed to give our farmers greater control, understanding and profitability in their business there by putting them in control of their Livestock. It also provides a comprehensive platform for farmers to interact with Jaguza experts including veterinary doctors directly and conveniently in real time. Jaguza Tech is the place where farmers can seek expertise, access their data and optimize their operations. Therefore, the bottom line, and our ultimate aim is to help farmers increase their commercial success and improve their productivity in their communities.
Jaguza gives farmers advice and the products they need through training sessions, farming cooperatives and the establishment of livestock service centers. Because when they have the right support, farmers can increase their incomes and work their way out of poverty.
There also new opportunities for farmers to make money. But livestock farmers face huge challenges in taking advantage of these opportunities – they have no technical advice, limited access to markets and lack the high-quality feed and vaccines needed to keep their animals healthy through our online Jaguza platform, mobile application and through SMS and USSD platforms.


Dealing with Dirt-eating calves