When to give extra care to Kids

Jaguza Farm Support > Goats > When to give extra care to Kids

When to give extra care to Kids

Very cold and/or wet weather when kidding: Kids lose body energy very rapidly when in cold or wet environments. As a result, they may become weak and die.

Maiden does: These does do not have experience to take care of newborn kids and may abandon their kids easily, especially to near-term does with strong maternal instincts.

Does in poor health: Sick or weak does may show indifference to their newborns and/or may not be able to produce enough colostrum and milk required by kids.

Multiple births: When three or more kids are born, even an experienced doe may not be able to provide enough care and nourishment for all kids.

Weak newborn kids: They may not be able to stand up and suckle on their own.

Does with poor mothering ability may not provide enough care and also may abandon their kids.

Risk of predators: When the kidding area is not well protected from predators, newborn kids may be killed or injured.

Poor sanitation and hygienic condition: Under such conditions, there is a high risk of infectious diseases and parasites. Newborn kids, especially those weak or poorly fed, easily succumb to pathogens.

Crowded condition: Aggressive animals in a herd may approach and attack or steal newborn kids. Also, such conditions harbor more pathogens and make the environment stressful compared to less crowded conditions.

To avoid kid loss from any of the above situations, owners should keep breeding records and plan to attend kidding with necessary supportive knowledge, skills, and materials. 

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