What to feed your Ducks with

Jaguza Farm Support > Chicken > What to feed your Ducks with

What to feed your Ducks with

Do you rear ducks or are thinking of raising some, below are some of the feed you can avail to your ducks.

Ducks are omnivores who love to eat a wide variety of food and forage to give them a balanced diet to keep them healthy and strong.

Many times Farmers learn by experience, your too can learn from others experience. Let’s talk about that.

Ducks absolutely love to roam as far and wide as you will let them searching for just the right bite to eat. What kinds of forage will ducks eat? Let’s look:
Insects. Ducks will eat just about any insect or bug. Don’t let them into your garden, but you can throw them the potato bugs and horn worms from the plants.

It’s also quite funny to watch a flock of ducks jump and run after the many June bugs in our field!

Worms. Give a duck a rainy day and she will be a happy duck! Most livestock don’t care for the rain, but for ducks it’s the best! Mostly because it brings the worms closer to the surface where they can snatch them up!

Weeds/Grass. Ducks love greens- grass, weeds, seed heads. They will rake their beak through to find anything tasty!Berries.

Ducks also love wild blackberries.If you have a fish pond, your ducks can also feed on small fish or fish eggs.

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