Rabbits are herbivores, but does that mean that all plants are safe and healthy for them to eat? The surprising answer is no! There are plenty of things that you should not be feeding your rabbit that might seem perfectly healthy.
The most important part of a rabbit’s diet is fiber. They absolutely need cellulose (plant cell walls and vegetable fibers) in order to survive. Fiber is such an integral part of their diet that they have a special organ called the cecum, whose sole purpose is to help process all that fiber. In the cecum, the fiber is exposed to healthy bacteria & yeasts which helps break down & ferment the materials.
Bread, crackers, cereal, rice…..none of these are healthy for your rabbit friend. Anything high in carbohydrates should always be avoided.
Junk Food
Chips, cookies, candy, these aren’t healthy for humans and they are extra unhealthy for rabbits. Foods that are high in sugar or artificial ingredients can cause overgrowth of bacteria in their gut, throwing their whole digestive system out of whack. It could even cause the digestive system to shut down entirely which will result in death. Especially do not allow your rabbit to eat chocolate. While we might find this a tasty treat, it is poisonous to rabbits.
Meat & Eggs
It may seem obvious as your rabbit is a herbivore, but it bears mentioning. Please don’t feed meat to your rabbit, they are not equipped to digest it! This includes eggs and any other animal products.
Milk & dairy products like yogurt, butter & ice cream can lead to a deadly case of enterotoxemia (a toxic overgrowth of harmful intestinal bacteria). They are also really high in natural sugars that could cause teeth problems.
Nuts & Nut Products
While rabbits can digest nuts and small amounts are not fatal, they are very high in fat which could give your rabbits an upset tummy. They also offer no nutritional value for rabbits so it’s best to just avoid them.
Iceberg Lettuce
This one might be shocking, but light colored lettuces like iceberg contain high levels of lactucarium which can cause runny stools. Iceberg lettuce also contains mostly water and has very little nutritional content. Stick to darker leafy greens like romaine lettuce or kale.
Another shocker as rabbits & carrots seem to go hand in hand. Carrots aren’t poisonous, but they are really high in calcium & natural sugars which is bad for gut health & teeth. Carrots should be given as only a very rare treat. The leafy carrot tops are great for rabbits though and they love them.
Nightshade Plants
For most animals, eating plants from the nightshade family (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant to name a few) can be toxic and rabbits are no exception. They should not eat the leaves or stems. You should also avoid feeding them raw potatoes or peels. Cooked potatoes are not toxic but are high in carbs & starch so don’t make a healthy treat. Tomatoes and peppers themselves are fine to feed in small amounts.
All parts of the avocado are poisonous to rabbits. The skin, leaves, and seeds are the most toxic parts, but the actual “meat” of the avocado is also toxic.
Not toxic, but high in sugar & phosphorus, they are not a great treat forrabbits
Again, not toxic, but cauliflower can give your bunnies gas and make them bloated and uncomfortable.
Rabbits can’t digest the corn hull (the part that surrounds the kernel), and they could become lodged in the GI tract.
Apple seeds
Apples themselves make a good occasional treat, but make sure the seeds have been removed as they can contain toxic levels of arsenic for a tiny bunny body.