Weight loss in Rabbits is not good.

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Weight loss in Rabbits is not good.

Weight loss in rabbits is always a bad sign. Rabbits should remain roughly the same weight throughout their adult years. If they’re suddenly losing weight, it’s due to a problem with their care or health.

Your rabbit isn’t eating enough food or, more likely, is eating the wrong foods for its dietary requirements. Feed your rabbit more grass hay because greens and vegetables are low in calories. Also, a disease or health problem can suppress your rabbit’s appetite. The cause may be gastrointestinal issues, teeth problems, parasites, fever, head tilt, cancer or organ failure.

There are no good reasons for a rabbit to lose weight. It is particularly troublesome when your rabbit loses its balance, shows signs of fever, or is lethargic and stops moving altogether. But with the right treatment or adjustment to their diet, your rabbit will regain the weight it has lost.

Signs of Underweight Rabbits

Rabbits are meant to be slim. However, if they’re malnourished, they can become too skinny. Before you make any changes to their diet, you should make sure that your rabbit is genuinely underweight. There are several signs of an underweight rabbit, including:

Their ribs, pelvis, and backbone are all prominent.

– Their abdomen appears caved in. A healthy rabbit’s abdomen will feel smooth, with no big difference between the level of the last rib and the abdominal cavity.

– Their coat is rough and dull. This is a sign that they aren’t getting the nutrients they need from their food.

– They won’t produce as many faecal pellets. This is an obvious side effect of not eating as much food as they usually would.

Underweight rabbits may be lethargic, i.e. they don’t move around much. They may also go through periods of extended and unusual activity, which indicates they’re searching for food and water.

They may also show signs that they’re in pain—starving hurts after all. They will sit hunched and will be reluctant to move. You may even notice them grinding their teeth.

Please endeavour to seek help from a Veterinary doctor as soon as your find out.

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