Understanding Natural Deep bed Pig Farming (NFP)

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Understanding Natural Deep bed Pig Farming (NFP)

Natural Deep Bed Pig Farming uses indigenous micro-organisms (IMO’s) to create and maintain a healthy deep bed little flooring. It is these micro-organisms that will help break down fecal matter rapidly leaving you with a fertilizer rich material whilst ensure no smells or flies (an important factor in the tropics in particular where pigs and millions of flies can be synonymous). In this case, apply a home made enzyme/microbe mixture which fosters rapid anaerobic digestion of waste.

Micro-organisms are all around us. They are vital to humans and the environment, as they participate in the Earth’s element cycles such as the carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle, as well as fulfilling other vital roles in virtually all ecosystems, such as recycling other organisms’ dead remains and waste products through decomposition. They are a key component of natural pig farming deep bed system. 

Micro-organisms do most of the material circulation in nature. They decompose and convert complex organic materials such a dead plants and animals, secretion, excretion and organic fertilizers into simple compounds so that material circulation is possible.

They also create complex or organic compounds by synthesis. They produce various materials such as anti-biotic substances, enzymes and lactic acids which suppress various diseases and promote chemical reaction in the soil. Without the enzymes the chemical reactions cannot take place so rapidly.

The natural pig farming deep bed system harnesses these beneficial properties to successfully raise animals and grow crops in the most low cost environmentally friendly way. They are a key element of all inputs into the Natural deep bed pig farming system, promoting health and preventing disease. They are also a key input to ensuring a healthy pig pen floor.

The natural pig farming deep bed system focuses on the use of indigenous micro-organisms (I.M.O). These are the natural organisms that can be found in the local area. Natural pig farming wishes to foster I.M.O’s because they are best adapted to the local environment making them stronger and more effective than micro-organisms found elsewhere or commercially artificially created micro-organisms. 

You can use two different enzyme/microbe rich mixtures (either of which can be used) that have foster high indigenous micro organism activity when used in the deep bed flooring. They are cheap, easy to make solutions and are produced by fermenting natural plant and fruit materials with sugar. These are diluted in water and poured via watering can onto the pen bedding once a week.

While you can use either the fermented plant juice or the fermented fruit juice to stimulate rapid anaerobic digestion of waste, you can also use a mix of both in the same water. Adding the solution to the bedding once a week ensures a high level of micro-organism activity which will keep your bedding healthy and free from smell.

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