Creep feeding is the practice of feeding a solid diet to piglets while they are suckling the sow, preparing their digestive system for weaning. Creep feeding initiates and promotes gut and digestive enzyme development, which enables the piglet to digest nutrients from food sources other than that of milk. This encourages feed intake, which is one of the greatest challenges to post-weaning performance.
Creep feeding becomes increasingly important and beneficial as weaning age increases. As piglets grow, their demand for nutrients similarly grows and with increasing age this demand outstrips the capacity of the sow to supply them, as the sow’s milk yield peaks at around three weeks and then slowly declines.
Basics of Good Creep Feeding
Keep creep feed fresh and clean and out of reach of the sow
Start creep feeding at seven to 10 days of age, or according to the manufacturer’s recommendations
Begin by offering creep on a flat surface, for example, a shallow tray (heavy metal or plastic trays that can hook into the slats)
Place trays close to the piglets but not under direct heat as this will turn the feed stale too quickly; also, keep feed away from the dunging area
Begin with very small amounts replaced at least twice a day, preferably more. Always remove all uneaten creep; only unmedicated waste creep can be fed to the sow
Offer creep when the sows are feeding as piglets are active and unlikely to be suckled for some time
Do not overfeed – feed to appetite. Litters often eat little and then suddenly begin to eat increasing amounts
Introduce small troughs or top up the trays more often if litters are eating well. Clean any fouled trays or troughs
Store creep feed in a cool place and always close bags to prevent feed taking up the farrowing house odours and/or becoming rancid
Be committed: creep feeding is more successful the more time and effort is devoted to it. Remember the importance of the sow: it is crucial to maximise milk yield, she will be providing the majority of the piglet’s nutrition.
Utilisation of creep feed should always be considered as a supplement for increased benefit rather than a replacement for milk.