Stress abortion usually happens to the metabolically sensitive pregnant goat. All breeds can be affected, but Angoras are more susceptible. The stress is usually directly and indirectly related to feed disturbance, which causes the blood sugar level to drop.
On the other hand, Habitual abortions are rightly regarded as one of the most important threats to the Angora goat industry, because they occur on a large scale every year. On some farms between 10 and 50% of the goats may have aborted in the past. This is a more serious form of abortion.
Habitual abortion results solely from the chronic over activity of the adrenal cortex of the mother. Habitual abortion occurs in close association with stress abortions.
Abortions caused by feed stress are characterised by the expulsion of apparently normal, well-developed kids after the 90th day of pregnancy. The foetus shows no signs of abnormality. Abortions that occur as a result of the overactive adrenal cortex of the mother show sign of Oedema in the foetus. The heart rate is slow and heart failure occurs.
Treatment and prevention
Female goats that abort Oedematous kids (habitual aborters) should be culled and selection for excessive quantities of fine hair should be avoided; it could lead to an increased susceptibility to abortions.
Providing feed of the required quality to the pregnant goats can control stress abortions, especially those that are metabolically sensitive.