Space recommendations for Pigs

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Space recommendations for Pigs

While constructing a pigsty, different things have to be put in consideration. It can be constructed cheaply by using locally available materials. It needs to be constructed according to climatic conditions and according to the pig production system. The pigsty should be comfortable for the pigs: good ventilation and ample shade, no overheating, no smells, no draft and no dampness. The building should be constructed with its length axis in an East-West direction (protected from sun and rain).

The pig building needs to be divided into different pens for each phase of the production cycle. This is one of the most important issues to address while constructing the houses. The number and the size of the pens depend on the expected numbers of pigs to be housed in each production phase. Below are the space specifications for the the different stages of production.

Fattening pig (Per pig 0.5 – 1.0 sqm)

A flat, solid floor is usually made from cement (but not polished to avoid slipping) or from hard soil. The floor should be sloping away to the rear to facilitate cleaning with water.

Pregnant sows (Per sow 1.5 – 2.0 sqm)

Pregnant sows need a quiet environment. Therefore individual pens are some- times used for pregnant sows. In hot climates pregnant sows are alternatively housed in small groups of three.

Lactating sows (Per sow 4 – 6 sqm)

Lactating sows need a quiet environment. Therefore individual pens are used. There should be provision for; farrowing pan, heating and cooling arrangements, Piglet nest/ box, creep feed /starter feed for piglets.

Weaner piglets (Per piglet 0.3 – 0.5 sqm)

A flat, solid floor is usually made from cement (but not polished to avoid slipping) or from hard soil. The floor should be sloping away to the rear to facilitate cleaning with water.

Breeding boars ( Per boar 6 – 8 sqm)

Special care is required to prevent boars from escaping to the gilts and sows that are on heat (strong and high partitions).

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