Social and nutritional enrichment of your sheep.

Jaguza Farm Support > Sheep > Social and nutritional enrichment of your sheep.

Social and nutritional enrichment of your sheep.

Social enrichment may seem obvious but it is important to mention. Sheep are social animals and it is important that they have access to other sheep. Of course, there are times when this isn’t possible, due to medical issues, flock disagreements, or sadly, the death of their flock-mates. In cases like these where direct contact with others of their species isn’t possible, there are ways that can enrich their lives during this transitory time. 

– If at all possible, sheep should be housed with other sheep as a baseline species need, not as enrichment. If this isn’t possible, then extra steps should be taken to alleviate the stress caused by their isolation.

– Provide visual contact with other sheep.

– You should also provide visual barriers, so sheep can separate themselves from other sheep who are more confrontational.

– Add a small amount of soiled bedding from their original flock’s living space.

– Play a recording of normal or “happy” sheep sounds.

– Place a large stuffed animal in with younger sheep that has the scent of flock-mates.

– Sheep can also enjoy social time with their caregivers and other humans, depending on their personality and comfort level.

Nutritional Enrichment

Sheep can often be observed with their heads low to the ground, nibbling on whatever tasty goodness they find there. Here is a list of potential nutritional enrichment strategies for your sheep residents:

– Take a PVC pipe and put caps on the ends. The length of the tube can be a foot long or larger. Drill a handful of holes on the side of the tube, and it becomes a food dispenser.

– Another option is to place sheep food in wiffle balls or other sheep-safe treat balls. As the balls roll, treats fall out.

– Some puzzle feeders made for dogs can be used with supervision.

– Add a pile of leaves (be sure they aren’t toxic) and sprinkle treats throughout.

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