While lambing season gets all the hype, breeding season is the key to your flock’s success. A successful breeding season means more ewes pregnant, more lambs on the ground and more money in your pocket. And a key to breeding success is offering your flock mineral.
Many producers don’t use mineral or only use mineral if they have a problem pop up to save on cost. But offering a sheep mineral – or offering mineral longer – can more than pay for itself through optimized reproduction. Follow these mineral tips for sheep breeding success:
Feed mineral longer
Feeding mineral a month before breeding is common practice, but it isn’t enough time for ewes to get the most benefit from the mineral. Instead, start offering mineral at least 60 days before breeding and continue feeding throughout gestation. A longer timeline helps to maximize intake, achieve optimal breeding results and correct mineral deficiencies in sheep.
Want to take your flock up a notch? Feed mineral year- round to help prevent deficiencies and the resulting challenges before they even happen. Feeding a sheep mineral year-round can save you in the long run. When you factor in the cost of potential lost pregnancies, poor conception rates, substandard performance and death loss, you realize how much a good mineral program can make a difference.
Optimize sheep mineral intake
One of the main questions that producers ask is how much mineral sheep should eat. Low intake means your flock isn’t getting enough nutrients, and high intake means you’re paying for more mineral than the sheep need. Sheep will often overconsume mineral when it’s first offered. This is normal, since you may need to compensate for a mineral deficiency in sheep. Intake will level off several days after mineral is introduced, and deficiencies are corrected.
Under consumption is usually a result of mineral location. Place mineral feeders in high-traffic areas where sheep spend most of their time. Then, gradually shift mineral location to underused areas of pasture. Keep feeders clean and protected from the elements. Look for a sheep mineral that’s formulated for optimal intake levels to avoid over or under consumption.
Don’t forget the calcium for sheep
One of the biggest things to look for in a mineral, especially when it comes to supporting reproduction, is calcium.
Bioavailability, or the ability to absorb the calcium and other minerals rather than passing through the animal, is another key feature. Look for a mineral with 90% or greater bioavailability to maximize effectiveness. Feeding a complete, bioavailable mineral ensures sheep get all the nutrients they need. The mineral form can play a role, but the key things to evaluate is the calcium to phosphorus levels, mineral bioavailability and salt level.
Sheep mineral blocks are often used because they require less labor – you just set it and forget it. But, unlike mineral blocks which typically only contain trace minerals. Providing a sheep mineral year-round is a great option for producers looking to enhance their breeding program.