For people that crave for a new chicken taste, attention has turned to Sasso chicken. Established in Sabret, France in 1978, by Selection Avicole de la Sartha and Sud Quest, a major player in France’s chicken breeding business that supplies genetics for birds, Sasso is gaining prominence, especially among farmers.
Sasso vs Kuroiler
Sasso chicken is a duo purpose breed which can be used for meat and eggs. Compared to Kuroilers, Sasso are 364 per cent superior in body weight at 18 weeks. Kuroiler itself is 345 per cent compared to the indigenous varieties. Sasso’s egg production ranges from 170-171 eggs compared to 156-168 for Kuroiler.
Sasso has a distinct reddish colouring, long legs, a thin, narrow v-shaped breast, substantial amounts of yellow fat, and hallmarks of a short growing bird. Sasso chicken adapts so well to the hot and humid conditions of Uganda and are resistant to most diseases. They are versatile birds which are also flexible and easy to manage. They can be kept indoor in deep litter systems, on free range as well as village-based production. They are preferred for their slow growth rate which enables meat that is firm. Sasso delivers profit to farmers and a great taste to consumers. Sasso can lay up to 240 eggs per year yet they can attain between 2.5-3 kilogrammes live weight within 12 weeks (three months).
All chicken must be exposed to the right conditions for optimum benefits. Management starts right from the brooder. A brooder must go through the usual routines of disinfecting, warming, which lasts up to about three weeks.
For good results, a disinfectant needs to be placed at the entrance for any visitors and also avoid wild animals especially cats and dogs.
For proper growth management, one must take into consideration provision of water, feeds, protection and healthcare.
Following the right principles of vaccination is also key to the proper development of chicken. For proper nutrition, one should consult a veterinary doctor for feed formulation according to nutrient requirements. Locally available raw materials from vegetables could also be used.
After three weeks, birds are ready to go on free range. At this time, most of the feeding, say 80 per cent, should be done in the morning and evening while water is provided in a shade. Free range is crucial for the desired good muscle development.
Birds can be allowed to grow up to 10 weeks and sold according to live weight with bigger birds going for about Shs30,000.