• A phased feeding strategy suits pig production: The nutrient composition is adapted according to the needs of the animal as well as its capacity to eat a sufficient volume.

    Feed milk at birth: After about two w […]

  • Barber’s pole worms (Haemonchus contortus) have been the cause of a lot of goat ill-health, and many goat owners will have suffered losses as a result of this nasty parasite. Adult Haemonchus contortus worms are […]

  • Epididymitis, sometimes called ram’s disease, is a contagious sexually transmitted disease in sheep caused by the Brucella ovis bacterium. It leads to inflammation of the testicles in rams, and i […]

  • Whilst rabbits are adaptable and handy animals, their diseases often prove fatal due to the lack of drugs dedicated to their treatment, a shortage of veterinarians with any rabbit-specific background, and a […]

  • Health management on poultry farms is of chief importance because of the overall economic effect it has on productivity. Even farms stocked with the best breeds that are properly housed and fed on high quality […]

  • These are a series of activities like spraying, de-worming, disbudding, castration, hoof trimming, proper milking practices and general hygiene.
    Management of parasitic infestation: Most animals carry parasites […]

  • If you observe traces of blood while milking, your cow has clinical mastitis, a visible infection of the mammary glands. Mastitis is a management disease that is very costly to the farmer. The biggest cost is loss […]

  • Pig rearing remains a lucrative business, but it is often disrupted by diseases. One of the diseases that attack pigs is the African Swine Fever. The disease is characterised by loss of appetite; the skin under […]

  • Ringwomb is also known as incomplete dilation of the cervix more than six hours after foetal membranes appear at the vulva. If the onset of first-stage labour was missed (in extensive outdoor lambing and calving […]

  • In a general sense, free-range is a loose term for any system that does not use cages and provides access to an outdoor area that is fenced in and may also have some type of netting or fencing over it. Free-range […]

  • Feeding may be one of the  largest expense of any goat operation. Goats raised for meat need high quality feed in most situations and require an optimum balance of many different nutrients to achieve maximum p […]

  • The feed troughs should run along the length of the walking area with a water trough in the middle. The total length of the feed through should be such that each cow or heifer has two and a half to three (2.5-3) […]

  • Colostrum is actually the first type of milk an ewe produces after giving birth and it’s vital to the health and well-being of a lamb. Colostrum is also very important because it contains high levels of n […]

  • Rabbit Bloat is a condition which is only too familiar to the breeder. It is a condition where the animal becomes ‘blown-up’ by the accumulation of a large amount of gas in the abdomen.

    There are undoubtedly […]

  • Dairy and beef cattle production is certainly a daunting undertaking, especially for beginners, perhaps the reason many people opt for dairy farming, which they consider easy as they can readily learn from other […]

  • For people that crave for a new chicken taste, attention has turned to Sasso chicken. Established in Sabret, France in 1978, by Selection Avicole de la Sartha and Sud Quest, a major player in France’s chicken b […]

  • Pigs are smart! Their intelligence is higher than a dogs, some primates and even young human children.

    In their natural state, pigs are very clean animals. They keep their toilets far from their living or […]

  • Diarrhoea in goat kids is also known as scouring. It is one of two main causes of mortalities and other young animals, the other being pneumonia.

    Scouring may be caused by infectious agents finding their way […]

  • Pathogenic diarrhea is the most common cause of depressed performance in recently weaned piglets. Interestingly, the origins of piglet diarrhea can be not only from pathogenic causes but also from faulty feed de […]

  • Chicken feeds comes in different forms. These include whole grains, crushed grains or scratch, mash, pellets, crumble, and micro-pellet and grain mix. 

    The term mash refers to crushed grains that have been b […]

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