How to handle Diarrhea in Goats

Jaguza Farm Support > Goats > How to handle Diarrhea in Goats

How to handle Diarrhea in Goats

Diarrhoea in goat kids is also known as scouring. It is one of two main causes of mortalities and other young animals, the other being pneumonia.

Scouring may be caused by infectious agents finding their way into the kids through milk and at times by feeding too much milk at once.

If left untreated, the kids become dehydrated leading to organ damage and death.

Call a qualified veterinarian to administer appropriate antibiotics and supportive therapies such as Electrosol Oral through their drinking water.

Electrosol Oral is a well-balanced combination of dextrose for energy and electrolytes to replace those lost through the diarrhoea.

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