• Sunflower provides high quality feed for livestock, it also produces healthy oil for people. Most dairy farmers may not know the value of sunflower as feed for dairy cows and even chickens. The main source of feed […]

  • For improvement in lamb weights and survival, some farmers have mastered the art of shearing their Ewes before lambing.

    The indoor lambing flock of 1,050 Lleyn ewes are shorn in mid-January at the point of […]

  • Fodder trees and shrubs,such as Calliandra are rich in protein for dairy and beef cattle, chicken and pigs. Other fodder trees and shrubs that farmers should grow include leucaena, desmodium, and fodder crops like […]

  • Keep only the chickens that are efficiently meeting your needs: If you just want eggs, then make sure you have a lightweight, egg-producing breed like the White Leghorn.  If you have a lot of access for foraging, […]

  • The male goat is called a “buck”, If he is castrated, he is called a “wether.” Male goats up to 12 months of age are sometimes referred to as “bucklings.” Adult male goats can weigh anywhere between 100 […]

  • Pinkeye
    Pinkeye is a bacterial disease spread by flies as they feed on discharges from the eyes. The diseases cause irritation and prevent the animal from eating, thereby negatively affecting milk production and […]

  • In order to maximize profits in Poultry farming specifically in Broilers depends on how fast the chicken grow, their weights verses the expenses incurred. However there are factors to note which affect the weights […]

  • Weaning and the transition to the early nursery stage are the most challenging times for piglets. Minimizing stress during those first few weeks away from the sow will improve a piglet’s odds of staying h […]

  • Control of parasites and diseases

    External parasites that affect local chicken include: poultry body louse, stick tight flea, poultry lice, ticks, feather mites and leg mites.

    Control can be done using […]

  • To improve farrowing rate and increase litter size, it is critical that sows cycle fairly quickly after weaning. Several factors affect how soon a sow cycles after weaning – number of pigs nursed, pigs’ age at wea […]

  • In formulating a ration for dairy goats it is important to note the best way to feed goats and that the rations will be presented to the animals in the stalls. There are advantages of stall feeding […]

  • Rabies is among deadly animal diseases that is shared with human beings. The disease is commonly transmitted from dogs (95 per cent of cases) to cows, sheep, goats, pig, rabbits and horses. The disease can be […]

  • Feather sexing a chicken, also referred to as wing sexing, is another fairly easy and straight-forward way to sex a chicken. As with venting, to use this method, you must do it when a chick is about a day old. If […]

  • Water indeed is an important element for every living thing. As a matter of fact, water makes up 80 per cent of the blood volume and of importance to you, milk is 80 per cent water.

    For every litre of milk a […]

  • Dry sows and gilts should be fed 2.5kg a day of sow and weaner meal before they are mated.

    Those being prepared for mating should be given an extra kilo per day one week before mating and one week after […]

  • Rabbits are friendly, clean and loveable animals. If you’re planning to adopt a rabbit, you should be prepared for a commitment of many years. The lifespan of a domestic rabbit is around ten years.

    But if you t […]

  • Ethno-veterinary Medicine (EVM) is as old as the domestication of livestock. It comprises belief, knowledge, practices and skills relating to animal healthcare and management. India, for example, has a […]

  • Farming free range chicken offers many advantages over running livestock such as cattle or sheep. Not much space is needed, marketing is easy due to high consumer demand, birds grow rapidly, and far less capital o […]

  • A farmer may have questions like when is she or he required to give dairy meal to a lactating animal? At milking time or hours before and in what quantities?

    Experiments to determine the effect of feeding […]

  • A successful rabbit venture is underpinned by three essentials: appropriate housing, quality feed and perhaps most importantly, picking the right breeders. Housing can be renovated whilst the enterprises moves […]

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