Improving production in local chicken

Jaguza Farm Support > Chicken > Improving production in local chicken

Improving production in local chicken

Control of parasites and diseases

External parasites that affect local chicken include: poultry body louse, stick tight flea, poultry lice, ticks, feather mites and leg mites.

Control can be done using commercial/synthetic or herbal insecticide. Herbal preparations are cheaper for local chicken but a lot of research is still needed in this area to establish proper dosage. Internal parasites include worms and coccidia. Worms can be eliminated using a potent dewormer preferably given as a tablet because these chickens have low water consumption. Deworming should be done at least every month.

Commercial coccidiostats can be used alternately with herbal preparation. These must be given to birds on 8th, 9th, and 10th days of age. Repeat as directed by veterinarian.

In early days, vitamins-mineral mixtures should be given to chicks to minimize losses.

Vaccination of birds especially against New Castle Disease. Target first vaccination at the beginning of the dry seasons, repeat after one month and every four months thereafter.

Feeding Local Chickens
Farmers can mix their own feeds using the abundant carbohydrate and protein feed available in their area.
Feeding should be accompanied by green feeds and fruits such as pawpaw.
Only palatable green feeds should be given to birds. Avoid poisonous feeds

Poisonous/unpalatable green feeds:

These include; Bidens pilosa (Black jack), Asystasia schimperi, Vermonia amygydalina(Bitter leaf), Edible Amaranthus, Pawpaw leaves, Ascalepias simulunata, Marmodica fortida, Talinum fruticosum (Water leaf), Datura stromonium, Ferns, Fresh cassava leaves, Fresh sweet potato leaves, Tobacco leaves, Nicotina rustica, Castor oil leaves(Ricinus communis), Siyesbeckaia orientalis, Sunflower leaves, Irish potato leaves, Tomato leaves, Dichrocephata latifolia, Tagetes munital and Pumpkin leaves

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