Know how to handle your pigs

Jaguza Farm Support > Pigs > Know how to handle your pigs

Know how to handle your pigs

Pigs should always be handled calmly and with care to prevent the animal becoming stressed and causing injury to itself, other animals and the handler. Pigs cannot be lead by the head, they must be driven from behind by using an open hand to tap on the rump or flank region to encourage them forward.

Before restraining a pig for treatment ensure all the required equipment is ready to use and that the equipment is easily accessible once the pig is restrained.

Young pigs( upto 10kgs)

Lift the pig by a back leg, taking care not to ‘snatch’ or ‘swing’ the piglet as you lift it. Support the chest with your other hand, when moving with the piglet over any distance to avoid undue pressure on the leg joints. Lower the piglet back to the ground, ensuring both front legs have contact with the surface. Then gently lower the back legs to the floor and release your grip. Only lift one piglet at a time in each hand.

Never pick a piglet up by their ear – this can cause ear haematomas – or by a front leg or tail

While handling piglets for inspection, Lift the piglet by the back leg, Place your other hand under the chest of the piglet to provide support, Lift the piglet and hold so that it is horizontal, Hold the piglet firmly to minimise the piglet’s ability to move. Alternatively after lifting, place the piglet over your forearm with the chest in the palm of your hand and the legs hanging either side of your arm.

Older pigs (over 10kgs)

When moving pigs, ensure the way forward is clear, secure and obvious to the pigs, ensure that the pigs are moved from dark to lighter areas with no shadows

When restraining pigs, ensure the area will not pose a risk of injury to pig or stockman ie nonslip floor, flat sides, clear of distractions and that  the required equipment for task is ready and immediately available to you in the handling area.

Move the pig in a calm, unhurried manner, Allow the pig to walk to its destination at its own pace at all times, the pig can be encouraged forward by use of a pig board and voice, Do not kick the pigs or use sticks/prods to directly hit the pigs. Pigs should only be encourage forward, when the way ahead of them is clear.

While restraining the pigs, ensure that the area is large enough to perform the task safely, but small enough to restrict movement, e.g. at the end of a passage way or specific handling crate.Ensure the pig cannot move forward. Apply gentle pressure with the pig board/your leg to the hind-quarters and flank of the pig to keep them still. Treat the pig as quickly as possible, and return to its pen promptly.

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