It is important that you recognise any changes in the rabbit’s behaviour or signs of stress.
Relaxed and content rabbits will have a normal appetite, will sit or lay outstretched and be content to approach or interact with people and familiar objects and other animals.
In fearful situations, a rabbit will seek quiet and hidden locations. This is normal behaviour, but may be a cause for concern if it happens frequently.
Situations which may cause stress to rabbits include:
– Novelty (new environments, transport, strangers)
– Sudden or loud noises
– Inability to express natural behaviours (adequate exercise, lack of companionship or environmental enrichment, escape stressful events)
– Pain, discomfort or illness
– Boredom, insufficient space, no access to food or water
– Social stress through lack or loss of companionship or too many individuals in a confined space
– Insufficient temperature control or ventilation.
Signs of stress in rabbits include:
– Nervous behaviour (flattened ears, hunched posture, freezing, agitated and jumpy)
– Aggression towards people or other animals
– Aggression when handled
– Listless behaviour, lethargy and lack of interest in surroundings, food, etc.
– Escape behaviour and hiding (excessively)
– Rapid breathing or heavy breathing
– Over grooming or not grooming
– Changes in feeding or eliminative (toileting) behaviour
– Stereotypical behaviour (repetitive purposeless movements e.g. biting pen fittings, biting the water bottle, circling or head bobbing).
If any of these signs be detected, you should seek veterinary advice promptly. You should take all reasonable steps to ensure your rabbit is protected from stress. You should provide your rabbit with secure hiding places, environmental enrichment (boxes to climb on, PVC pipe tunnels, piles of grass), suitable materials to enable the rabbit to dig, and scent mark its territory (with chin secretions, urine and droppings).