How to tell a pregnant animal

Jaguza Farm Support > Goats > How to tell a pregnant animal

How to tell a pregnant animal

Pregnancy indicates a potential increase in the stock of farm animals. This, in most cases, is a delight of the farmer. Detecting pregnancy or estimating the gestation periods of your farm animals are things the farmer must know.

Pregnancy can be detected by; the signs showed by the female animals and you can see this externally, the symptoms of pregnancy which can be detected by examination e.g. vaginum examination and laboratory test carried out biologically or chemically.

In the event of pregnancy, the animal shows various signs including;

The animal concerned tends to become sluggish in temperament and more tractable.

Increase in body weight of the animal in the last half of pregnancy due to the development of foetus and hypertrophy of the uterus and mammary glands.

The animal tends to grow fat.

There are changes in the mammary gland; as parturition approaches, the mammary gland becomes firm, enlarged and glossy, teats have a waxy appearance.

There is a cessation of oestrus (heat); cessation of oestrus cycle after sexual copulation is the first indication of pregnancy, and it is very reliable although the following should be considered.

Heat may be inhibited following mating due to hormonal dysfunctions, the low intensity of heat may be overlooked and thus the animals may be thought to be pregnant. Sometimes animals still show signs of heat even after they are pregnant.

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