How to slaughter Rabbits

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How to slaughter Rabbits

Preparation: Before learning how to butcher a rabbit, you need to prepare your supplies. You need to make sure you have three knives sharpened. This is out of convenience rather than necessity. You need two large bowls and one trash bag. Since you have to hang the rabbits upside down, you also need the ropes to be ready.

Leading Up to the Kill: Grab the rabbit by the skin near the back of the neck. Sometimes the rabbit will fight and kick to try to escape, other times not. Slip knots around the rabbit’s hind feet just above the ankle. Both ropes are attached to a stick. Let the rabbit hang upside down. At this point, the rabbit will struggle for a few moments, and maybe scream. Take the rabbit over to a tree branch and hang it at a height that is convenient for me, with its back facing me.

To Kill a Rabbit: One person who has never witnessed a slaughter may be scared  to hurt an animal. The quickest method would be to whack the rabbit on the back of the head with a heavy piece of wood, then cut off its head as quickly as possible after that. It works well, though the site might not be good.  Instead, place a large knife to the back of the rabbit’s neck and cut as hard and fast as you can. It is quick, without the structural damage that clubbing the rabbit can do.

Removing the Skin: Once the head is separated from the body, the best thing to do is wait until the blood stops flowing. Then, make a small incision on each hind leg between the muscle and the skin. Next, peel the skin with the fingers until the top of the hind legs. Cut off the tail. Cut the fur near the genitals and peel it back in both directions. Pull the skin down until it comes off at the front paws. Rabbit skins and furs can be made into clothing or accessory items once they have been processed.

Removing the Insides: Once the skin is off the rabbit, the next thing you need to do is remove the entrails. Pinch the meat at the base of the belly and poke a hole in it. Stick two fingers inside and point them towards the rabbit’s chest. Slide the tip of the knife inside the meat and between the fingers, without puncturing any internal organs, and cut the meat to the chest. The intestines, stomach, and liver will almost fall out of the rabbit. The first thing to remove is the bladder. Pinch it off and cut so that the bladder remains intact and no urine spills onto the meat. Next, pull out the intestines as best as you can. Slice the rabbit open to the anus to remove all of the intestines. Once all intestines are out, reach into the abdominal cavity and free the stomach, liver, heart, and lungs. On the liver rests the gallbladder. It is a greenish tube. Remove it without breaking it. Cut the rabbit down the middle to the throat. All that is left on the inside are the kidneys. Pull them out.

Almost Ready to Cook: The rabbit is now hollow. Cut off the furry paws, wash it off, and you’re done.

Spare Parts: It is up to you what you want to do with the spare parts of the rabbit. The stomach can be used as a small container, the skin can be used to make clothing, the brain can be used to tan the skin, etc. Remember, it will probably be a sloppy job the first time you do it. Make sure that your knives are sharp and do your best to ensure that the rabbit does not suffer. Practice how to butcher a rabbit will make you better over time.

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