A pig should have no problem living with other pigs (and in fact, this would be preferable to a pig living alone), provided that they have food, and water so they don’t feel the need to compete. Pigs are inclined to follow a social hierarchy; once they’ve established who’s in charge (sometimes through a brief confrontational encounter), they will typically peacefully coexist.
For other mammals, it truly depends upon the individual personalities at play. Although some pigs and other farm mammals such as cows, goats, sheep can live harmoniously on the same pasture and do not tend to bother one another, many farms have found difficulty keeping them together without personality clashes. If you are keeping pigs together with other mammals, it is important to employ fencing that is appropriate and safe for all species being kept in the same pasture. Feeding schedules might be complicated to coordinate depending on how you manage the pig’s food, so even if you’re having all animals in the same pasture, you’ll probably want to keep them in separate living quarters.
If you are keeping pigs with sheep or goats that are prone to headbutting, it’s very important that you ensure that the headbutter does not get into the habit of trying to play with the pigs. More likely than not, the pig will find this to be an act of aggression and may retaliate.
There have been reports of birds being killed in a farm environment by pigs. These incidents occurred between chickens and younger pigs who were apparently trying to play with the birds, feral pigs sharing space with birds at a sanctuary, as well as (rarely), individual adult domestic pigs with strong territorial impulses. It does not appear that adult domestic pigs are commonly known to intentionally cause bird deaths, but you should always exercise caution where possible when it comes to protecting resident lives and be mindful of the potential consequences of species cohabitation.
For these reasons, housing birds with pigs, especially feral pigs or piglets is not recommendable.
While non-territorial adult domestic pigs could technically share outdoor space with birds, provided that all species have their specific needs taken care of, (like dust baths accessible for chickens or turkeys or accessible ponds for ducks and geese), you must be aware that harm could very well occur in this cohabitation model, even if the residents seem to get along.
If you do keep pigs with birds, ensure that there is plenty of space to avoid any situations where a bird (especially a mobility impaired resident) might get caught underfoot from a pig.
Pigs are also (quite reasonably) particular eaters who will try not to eat pasture or food that has been defecated on by another animal, including birds, so if you’re going to keep pigs and birds together, it would be preferable to find a solution to keeping the pig’s living spaces clean!