How big can Rabbits grow?

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How big can Rabbits grow?

Different rabbits attain maturity at different ages depending on their sex and breed. For example, the male New Zealand rabbits start producing viable sperm by the age of 6 months which is a sign of maturity. The female species of this breed can take longer to mature, while smaller breeds may mature earlier.

But bear in mind that rabbits can continue to increase in size even when they are sexually matured. As for domestic rabbits, they aren’t considered adults until they are a year old.

Most rabbits may stop adding weight immediately after their first birthday, although some breeds of rabbits reach their maximum size much earlier and faster, while other breeds may keep on increasing in size even after reaching maturity. The size of a rabbit at adulthood can vary depending on several factors. Some of these rabbits can be as small as soccer balls or even smaller, while others can be as big as a medium-sized dog.

Factors that can affect the size of a rabbit include;

Breed: In as much as all domestic rabbits are of the same species, their breed can greatly alter their size while growing. For your information, dwarf rabbits are the smallest, they rarely grow bigger than 4Ibs but some larger species of this rabbit can exceed 20lbs.

Genetics: Even amongst the same breed of rabbits, some of these rabbits will likely grow bigger than others, strictly because of genetics. A mother rabbit with small body size and stature will most likely pass on this genetic trait to their young ones.

Care: The way you care for your rabbits can ultimately affect how big they can grow. Their growth can be stunted if they are not treated properly. For a rapid growth and development, young rabbits need to consume a considerable amount of alfalfa, hay and pellets.

Be careful when feeding them with this hay because a little too much can lead to obesity in your rabbit’s.

It’s really not ideal to measure the size of a rabbit in inches, and also taking the measurements of your rabbits can be difficult, especially when they are running around the place. So its better and simpler to compare rabbits of the same breed based on weight.

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