How a Rabbit may break its back

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How a Rabbit may break its back

Rabbits are delicate creatures with lightweight skeletons. Unfortunately, this means their spines are inflexible and can break or fracture much easier than other animals. That can be the result of a fall, twisting their body suddenly, or even being held wrong. Since rabbits are so delicate, that leads many owners to become concerned about the worst-case scenario.  A rabbit can break its spine in many ways. This could be the result of:

Improper Handing

When cuddling, picking up, or moving the rabbit, it may twist, jump, or move its back in an unnatural position. As mentioned, rabbit spines cannot handle the strain. This could cause a fracture or a break. It’s crucial for owners to hold their rabbits carefully. The ideal position must keep the rabbit from moving recklessly. Hold the rabbit so its front or back legs can’t move. This grip doesn’t need to be extremely tight, but firm. This will keep it safely tucked against you and free of injury.


Rabbits are easily startled. They may hear a loud noise or be shocked by a sudden movement. As a result, they’ll jerk, twist their head too quickly, or jolt away. Despite the movement being small, this can cause their backs to fracture or break.

During Surgery

Even at the vet, your rabbit can be injured. This usually happens when a vet is trying to put a rabbit under anesthesia. It may try to resist the mask. If the rabbit isn’t held or properly restrained, this can lead to thrashing and, eventually, a broken back.


Rabbits are well known for jumping and hopping. However, this usually isn’t from great heights. If you place your rabbit on a table or raised surface, keep a close eye on it. If it jumps from high surfaces,  its back can fracture or break from the force of the landing.


This can lead to your rabbit experiencing back issues. For example, traumatic spinal disease is common. It causes their spine to weaken and, therefore, become more prone to breaks. Your rabbit could also: Have an infection of the central nervous system (CNS), have lesions on the CNS or have a metabolic disease. Your vet can test your rabbit’s spinal reflexes, take X-rays, or order an MRI to diagnose any of these issues.

Lack of Exercise

The spine is protected by layers of muscle and tissue. If these layers become weakened through a lack of exercise, the back will be left vulnerable. Rabbits that aren’t properly exercised are at greater risk. This can include: Older rabbits that lack their former energy, rabbits confined to a small space and rabbits that are not given enrichment or otherwise encouraged to play.

However, a lack of exercise doesn’t just affect muscle tone. A lack of daily exercise lowers bone density. This makes bones more brittle and easier to break. If your rabbit twists in a certain way or jerks unexpectedly, it may experience fractures. These breaks tend to be more severe without routine exercise.

Rabbit Anatomy

A rabbit’s anatomy differs from most mammals in one primary way. It doesn’t have a cauda equina. This is a little pack of nerves near the tapered base of the spinal cord. It controls bladder and bowel function, as well as the movement of the groin and legs.

Without it, any damage to the vertebrae is far more likely to cause paralysis. In lesser cases, it may cause partial paralysis to the upper and lower parts of the body. Since rabbits don’t have this, damage to their vertebrae and spinal cord is severe. They may lose the ability to move their front and back legs. Likewise, their bladder and bowels may stop working entirely.

If your rabbit breaks its spine, you want to believe that it’ll be able to survive. A rabbit can survive breaking its back, but this depends on what part of the spinal cord is broken or fractured. The severity of the break will dramatically impact the bunny’s survival rate. With small breaks, a rabbit can make a full recovery in a few weeks. However, if it’s more severe, the rabbit may need to be euthanized to save it further pain.

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