Handling Sick animals on your farm

Jaguza Farm Support > Beef Farming > Handling Sick animals on your farm

Handling Sick animals on your farm

Isolation of sick animals is one of the ways of effectively handling sick animals on a farm.Isolation is the process of segregation of affected and in contact animals from the apparently healthy ones, in the event of outbreak of a contagious disease.

Such segregated animals should preferably be housed in a separate isolation shed situated far away from the normal animal house.

If a separate shed is not available the animals for isolation should be tied at one end of the shed as far away from the apparently healthy stock as possible.

Attendants and equipment for sick animals should be ideally separate.If due to practical reasons this is not possible the sick animals should be attended only after the healthy stock.

The equipment should be thoroughly disinfected after use in the isolation group.

The attendant should wash his hands, feet and gumboots in antiseptic lotions and change his cloths.

The isolated animals are brought back to the healthy herd only after they are fully recovered and the chance of passing on infection is removed.

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