Guidelines when using the food wastes to feed pigs

Jaguza Farm Support > Pigs > Guidelines when using the food wastes to feed pigs

Guidelines when using the food wastes to feed pigs

Conduct regular nutrient analysis. Although generally the diets will not be balanced in the traditional sense, this will help in determining deficiencies and implementing supplementation strategies.

You can take the feeds to laboratories for analysis once in a while to know what you are feeding your pigs.

Supplement wet food waste with dry feeds such as grounded maize to improve nutritional value. Consider including a commercial vitamin or mineral premix with the maize.

Do not start feeding young pigs exclusively on waste since this can be disastrous. The food should be introduced slowly.

Avoid trashy food waste such as that which comes from restaurants. Collect the waste from places where separation is practised. Supermarkets and schools may be the best sources.

Avoid feeds that are too wet. Low dry matter will result in slower gains.

Follow cooking regulations if food waste contains meat or meat by-products. Feeding agricultural waste products and supplementing with concentrates forms will help to improve efficiency in production of pigs as it reduces costs and at the same time ensures that growing animals reach desired weight in a shorter period.

The concentrates can either be bought or the farmer can mix them himself, which reduces costs but it is important to consult an expert on how to mix the ingredients.

The ingredients must be measured correctly before mixing to avoid ending up with toxic feeds.

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