For a successful goat rearing business, a farmer should consider the breeds that would want to have basing on the environmental conditions, costs and markets.
Boer Goats
These are probably the best meat goat in the world, as measured by growth rate and conformation. In Uganda they have been brought in by government programmes, NGOs such as Heifer International and Send-a-Cow, and also by individuals. Pure Boer goats are markedly less hardy than local goats, especially in the wettest parts of Uganda.
However, the cross-breeds do well, and exhibit noticeable heterosis (hybrid vigour), often approaching the size of pure Boer goats under Ugandan conditions.
Savannah goats
These originate from South Africa. Like Boer goats they have large pendulous (floppy) ears and a convex face (‘Roman nose’). Only a few have been introduced into Uganda. The main reason for interest in them is the suggestion that in regard to export to the middle east, white goats would be more popular than pigmented goats. Like Galla goats the skin is dark despite the white hair, making them resistant to sunlight unlike Saanen goats.
Kalahari Red
In its native South Africa, the Kalahari Red is favored in situations where goats are susceptible to predators, because it’s color makes it better camouflaged against the soil. The simplest description of it is a ‘red Boer goat’, but it has a distinct genetic heritage. In Uganda, goats with this appearance are likely to be exhibiting the recessive fully-pigmented trait that appears occasionally in the offspring of Boer goats, rather than being true Kalahari reds.
When Boer goats are mated with local (Small East African) goats the offspring are often large, fast-growing and have the typical Boer coloring. However, if these 50% crosses are mated back to local goats, the offspring are much less impressive.
Some unscrupulous dealers have passed off 75%, or even 50%, Boer goats as pure. So it is very important to understand how to spot the difference.