When are sheep ready for breeding

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When are sheep ready for breeding

Home Forums Sheep breeding and lambing When are sheep ready for breeding

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  • #3835
    Geoffrey Joe

    My lambs have grown now, about 4 months . Am curious to know when i can avail a ram for mating!

    Geoffrey Joe

    For some producers, it is commonplace to breed well-grown ewe lambs when they are 7 to 9 months of age. Other producers wait until their ewes are 18 months old before breeding them to lamb as 2 year olds. Different breeds of sheep reach puberty (sexually maturity) at different ages. The choice is yours dear.


    Thanks for the contribution guys. I actually think it can be ready for breeding at 10 months to be safe


    It is convenient to wait at least 3 months after the last parturition (lambing) before a ewe is bred again. A ewe comes into first heat at 7 to 8 months of age. A ewe should not be bred when she comes into her first heat. Experts recommend an ewe of at least 10 or 12 months old to be bred for the first time.


    An ewe is pregnant for 142 to 152 days, approximately five months or slighter shorter. Pregnancy is also called gestation. Since ewes gestate for only five months, it is possible for them to lamb more often than once per year

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