Limping Doe

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Limping Doe

Home Forums Goat diseases & Injuries Limping Doe

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  • #5014
    Geoffrey Joe

    Just my routine work, i visit my goat houses every morning to check if they are fine and to give them their breakfast. This morning i rushed into the house after hearing a crying doeling. Was startled by the sight of my little wounded goat holding up the front leg. The vet doctor is not around till after sunday. Am thinking of tying the leg with a splint, please advice!


    I have experienced a similar issue before and wrapped the area for support, ( not too tight) and our goat kid was fine after three days.


    I think tying its legs would work. For the first few days, do not let move too much . Let it in the shade and supply all its meals there

    Joseph Torach

    You can feel her leg and see if it reacts to a light touching… then move to a firmer pressure to locate the area that is causing her pain.
    I would suspect the problem isn’t in the knee if it still is that active…check the hoof for anything cut…..I don’t wrap a joint unless I believe it is part of the problem, but if you do have to wrap it , make sure it’s not too tight . Check it several times a day and make sure the hoof/foot area has good blood flow and there is no swelling.

    If she isn’t better within a day after you remove the wrap, you may want to consider a vet visit …..this is just how I treat a leg injury, others may do it differently

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