Just starting out in livestock

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Just starting out in livestock

Home Forums Questions, Tutorials, and Inquiries Just starting out in livestock

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    Geoffrey Joe

    Hello all,

    I am a 20 year old looking for some helpful tips. Cattle are my passion and I would love to make a career as a purebred breeder one day. I live on 40 acres of my parents land that isn’t much for running cattle (very hilly timber). I currently work on a small ranch talking care of about 250 cows while also taking care of 20 cows here at home. I only own 2 cows with the rest belonging to my grandfather. I would love to start my own farm but lack the land and the funding. I do have a small pasture here by my home that I plan to run a few calves on to hopefully make a little money to increase my herd. I would love to hear any tips anyone would give about starting out. Everything from acquiring land and cattle to funding and what kind of equipment I should invest in first.

    Thanks in advance


    You need a lot more land and you need breading facility, and equipment, Also you didn’t say where it was and where you live matters a lot.

    Geoffrey Joe

    I live in Wakiso. As far as land I run my few cows with my grandfathers on 150 acres. I am hoping that he will allow me to rent his farm when he decides to sell out but nothing is certain. If I were allowed to rent it, it has 2 barns with working corrals. One of my main questions is does it pay to rent land? Or is it too difficult to make a profit with that extra rent payment?


    Renting land is expensive unless you get a government lease. Here in Mbarara it’s better to rent land but I don’t know it’s hard to get started with cattle prices so high.

    Geoffrey Joe

    So, the only cost to you is the price of the cows? Are they on your own land or the partners?


    That’s correct the only cost I have is buying cows. The partner runs them on their land. My partner happens to be my parents so I still go help and make decisions together, but they also have this same deal with neighbors and works well for both partners. if one has cows but not enough land or you have the land but not bank support for more cattle. It is considered a lease agreement or running cattle on shares.

    Geoffrey Joe

    Thank you so much for your kind support!

    Myriam Kemirembe

    Hello Geoffrey, Just following up on this conversation. Where you helped by the advise you were given?. I seem to have the same challenge. Thought i can also apply the advice that was given to you.

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