How to store eggs.

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How to store eggs.

Home Forums Egg quality & storage How to store eggs.

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  • #4765

    I have started having a good turn over from my layer chicken. What is the best way of keeping the eggs?


    You can store them in a refrigerator. Storing the fresh laid eggs in the fridge makes sure your eggs stay fresh for a longer period of time. The best way to go about it is to place the eggs in an egg carton or one of the air-tight containers

    Dietrick Wamaani

    You can store them at room temperature, simply arrange them on a plastic egg tray or in a simple egg basket lined with straw. When storing eggs at room temperature it is better to consume them as soon as you can.

    Although they will last outside in normal temperature for more than a month without going bad, it is recommended to move these eggs into the fridge once the month-long duration ends. It is even better if you consume or sell off these eggs within two weeks.


    You need wash them and make sure they are clean at all times.
    Keep them out of reach where the children might pick and crush them.

    Geoffrey Joe

    Very good advice, guys. It is wise that you don’t keep them long if they are commercial bse they have a time when they get bad

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