Blood scours and ticks

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Blood scours and ticks

Home Forums Animal feeding and nutrition Blood scours and ticks

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  • #3734
    Kasim Kungu

    Hello I have 2 calves about 7 weeks old and one had blood scours really bad to the point there was chunks of blood everywhere! Its cleared up now but he still has diarrhea and looks really down. The other calf had heaps of ticks that have now been removed but I can’t seem to find any on the sick calf cause he’s really furry, any tips on how to look after them better?

    Geoffrey Joe

    For the ticks ,make sure you look in the ears and around them, that’s a bad spot


    For the calf with scours try Diaque. It works really good for getting the gut back in check and getting PH where it belongs. You should see results in a day or 2 using that.

    Geoffrey Joe

    Sorry about the condition of your cows. You really need to consider spraying them or dipping them atleast once a month for the start

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