Rabbits are herbivorous animals. This means they eat plants. The rabbit’s diet consists of grasses, leaves, tree barks, and even roots. They’re known to eat veggies like lettuce and cabbage, as well as grains, seeds, and nuts.
Cabbage isn’t a perfect veggie for rabbits though. Research has shown that overshooting the 15% mark for multiple weeks on end could cause thyroid issues for rabbits. But, this would be difficult to accomplish. It would literally mean feeding your rabbit only cabbage for a few months.
Rabbits are honestly not the pickiest of eaters. They’ll eat nearly anything you place in front of them. While they thrive on hay, most rabbits will enjoy eating cabbage. You may find that you need to regulate how much they eat by offering them a small quantity.
Some rabbits try cabbage and end up with diarrhea or loose stools. This is due to the cabbage causing gas and bloating in the rabbit’s digestive system.
It can happen due to feeding too much cabbage too soon. Or it may be that your rabbit simply does not get along with cabbage.
If your rabbit has diarrhea after eating cabbage, eliminate it from their diet until the symptoms disappear.
Then you can try reintroducing it again, starting with a smaller quantity. In some cases, however, it may be best to move on to something else instead.
Another well known issue is that cabbage is known to be a goitrogenic veggies for rabbits.