Dorper sheep rearing has rose

Jaguza Farm Support > Sheep > Dorper sheep rearing has rose

Dorper sheep rearing has rose

Dorper sheep is a breed that adapts well to tough climatic conditions and matures faster than the ordinary sheep is enjoying fanatical uptake by farmers especially due to its low fat quality meat with farmers getting returns a good per sheep.Known as dorper, the sheep is said to be hardy and performs well in dry areas.

These unrivaled traits have seen the resuscitation of sheep farming in the country which has been on a downward trend in recent years owing to lack of markets. The sheep has become so popular that farmers from neighbouring countries like Tanzania and Rwanda are flocking the country to buy ewes.

Demand for breeding ewes has been rising far beyond the supply. Farmers from neighbouring countries such as Tanzania have been flocking the Kenya to buy ewes

The Dorper sheep is a meat breed It is raised mainly for meat production.The Dorper sheep are very hardy animals.

They are well adapted to a variety of climatic and grazing conditions. They are also well suited to survive in the arid extensive regions of South Africa.

The ewes are highly fertile and have very good maternal instinct, combined with high growth rates and hardiness.

The lambing percentage is around 150 percent in the native country, and also can reach 160 percent. Today the breed is raised mainly for meat production.

The lambs on average weight around 36 kg within their 100 days of age.The Dorper sheep reputably do very well in various range and feeding conditions and are also suited to intensive feeding.

It is actually an easy-care breed which requires minimal input of labor.

Today the breed is also available in many countries outside it’s native area. It has gained much popularity mainly because of it’s resiliency and hardiness.

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