Cryptosporidium species are protozoan parasites closely related to the coccidia. One major species, Cryptosporidium parvum, infects both

Cryptosporidium species are protozoan parasites closely related to the coccidia. One major species, Cryptosporidium parvum, infects both
Fleas are small blood-sucking parasites that infest nearly every kind of mammal on earth. Some […]
The most common parasites in Swine are worms (roundworm and whipworm), mange mites, and lice […]
CODD (Contangoius Ovine Digital Dermatitis) is a bacterial infection caused by the Treponema species and […]
Paying attention to the health of pigs’ skin is another important aspect of pig care. […]
With chicken ownership comes experience in dealing with unpleasant illness and disease, and vent gleet […]
One of the most detrimental diseases a chicken can face is Marek’s disease, which is […]
Severe, untreated scours can kill a calf in less than twenty-four hours. Frequent, runny diarrhea […]
Omphalitis is a disease responsible for a lot of chick deaths during the first week […]
Scours is the cattleman’s term for severe, watery diarrhea that usually affects calves. Scours is […]