Basic care for Kids

Jaguza Farm Support > Goats > Basic care for Kids

Basic care for Kids

During July to September, its “raining” kids at most farms. The question on table, what are the basic things to follow to ensure you have zero or less than 2% mortality of kids at your farm? Yes you can have zero mortality if you put these into consideration.

1. Assist a goat birth if you see it has spent more time in labour.

2. Clean out the mucus from the mouth, and nose so that it can give out that joyful cry.

3. Give it time with the mother to bond.

4. Avoid over touching the baby in the first 1 or two days after birth. The mother may reject it.

5. Buy a bottle of iodine from human pharmacies…costs around 1500 ugx. Pour at least 2 drops of iodine on the cord to prevent any germs from entering through the fresh cord. Do it once a day for 7 days.

6. In case you see that first week yellowish diarrhoea, do not panic!!! If its after 2 weeks and see greenish, black diarrhoea, yes panic a little because your kids may have got an infection. They will need an intervention of a qualified Vet to assist. Back to the yellow diarrhoea, you can give 3 to 5 mls of water using a disposable syringe, 2 to 3 times a day. Others, can mix 1 tablespoon of salt and 3 table spoons of sugar, mix in a cup of fresh clean water and give Orally. Of late companies like Norbrook have come up with ORS for animals. Follow prescription on sachet and dilute accordingly.

7. Goats should sleep with their mothers for the first one month or till when 3 months. Other farmers, separate the mothers from kids in the evening though it reduces on the bonding of mum and kids.

8. Kids should not be let out to graze with the entire herd till when they are 3 months and above. After the big herd has left, let them browse around the kraal. They will start munching on grass around. This is crucial in rumen development.

9. Keep kids house clean, dry and warm at all times.

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