Handling Chicken Pecking Order.

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Handling Chicken Pecking Order.

If you added new chicks to your flock this year, you are probably going through the steps to safely integrate them into the flock. The chicken pecking order will be upset for a while and drama will ensue. But there are a few steps you can take to minimize the drama.

First, understand what the chicken pecking order is, and how it helps the flock operate on a daily basis. The chickens in your flock will, for the most part, work this out among themselves. Only occasionally is our interference justified or needed. Chicken pecking order keeps peace in the coop. Chickens are smart creatures. They learn to recognize their place in the ranks and for the most part, stick to it. Unless a change is made. Maintaining a pecking order is actually less stressful for a flock although it may appear harsh when we witness it with our human hearts. Unlike pigs, goats, and cows who keep testing the herd pecking order every day, chickens are smart. They learn their place and go on with life, peacefully for the most part. 

Tips to help make the transition as stress-free as possible

1. Use a wire barrier to separate the newcomers before they go into the main flock. The chickens will get to know each other a bit through the wire. (This is not the quarantine that you would use for bringing home new chickens, but the method used to introduce your new pullets to the main flock.)

2. Remove the barrier when you can be around to observe the behavior for awhile. Check periodically throughout the first days of adding new flock members

3. Have plenty of feed and water areas set up so that the chickens who get chased away can go to a different bowl.

4. Have some places for the timid chickens to hide or go behind, under or into when being chased.

5. Unless the chasing and chickens pecking each other are severe, try to not interfere! It’s hard and especially when we have soft hearts ourselves. Unless a chicken is being picked on by many others, and is being held down and pecked, do not intervene.

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