Creep feeding in Piglets

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Creep feeding in Piglets

When piglets are feeding off of mama, mama decides when and how often to feed them. Life’s a breeze when you’re a piglet. When they are weaned, the piglets are suddenly responsible for feeding themselves. Sometimes this causes confusion with these guys. Farmers often use a technique called creep feeding. 

Creep feeding is the process of slowly introducing food to calves or piglets while the babies are still feeding off of mom. The process involves supplementing one feeding at a time with small amounts of solids and continuing on until the animal is successfully weaned. Let’s take a look at how you can successfully use this method to get your piggies to eat. 

Feed Them Regularly:  As a result of mama deciding when it’s time to eat, piglets take their time and learn to listen to their bodies. Feeding them regularly every day will help get them on a new routine. This time of their life is confusing for them and helping them by feeding them at the same time every day will set their bodies natural clock. 

Star weaning at the right time: You should wean your piglets from mom around four to six weeks of age or when piglets start stealing some of mom’s food. Some people like to let the animals decide by themselves and use the latter method. 

Supplement With Solids: Once you start weaning your piglets off of mom you can supplement one feeding with whatever you feed your adult pigs a day, then two and so on until they are completely weaned. This should cause less confusion for you and the piglets.  This is referred to as “creep feeding.”

Keep Feed Away From Sows: Once you have mastered this technique it is important to keep their piglets food away from mom. Piglets have different nutritional needs than mom does at this tender age. Find a place to put the food where it is out of direct heat and where it can be kept clean. 

Keep Food Fresh: Change the food every couple of days to ensure that it is fresh. Piglets will not eat stale food. But you also want to find a place that is close to them as to pique their interest. 

Offer Food When Adults Are Eating: To be successful at creep feeding you should offer feed when the sows are eating as well. The piglets will be active then. You don’t want to overfeed the piglets. Feed them when they seem most hungry and if you have to remove the trays when you feel they have had their fill.

Patience: Be patient with these little guys. It may get frustrating, or you may get worried that they are not getting enough. However, if you’re persistent enough and if you develop a routine and stick to it they will get the hang of it. 

Use the Same Feed: Do not switch the feed you are using during creep feeding. Using the same feed every time will make the transition to solid go a whole lot smoother for both of you. 

Be Persistent: Do not start and then give up and don’t change up the routine once you’ve found one that seems to work. Before you know it, within a couple of months the piglets will not need you to help them feed. 

Creep feeding is the most effective way to transition to solids because the baby is still getting milk from mom, but they get to taste something different. Not only are pigs smart but they are curious as well. You can use this curiosity to your advantage.

If you think your piglet is not eating because it is sick, the first steps you should take are to separate it from the other piglets and provide warmth. You can then begin feeding the nutrient-filled feed and keep it hydrated. 

You can give water and food through a syringe if it is needed to keep your piglets eating healthy. You can give piglets vitamin b or b12 shots just like you like with an adult pig to help with special nutritional needs. All the vitamins mentioned above, you can also give your sick piglet. 

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