Tips to avoid Cattle attacks

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Tips to avoid Cattle attacks

As a farmer, your goal in life is not to become a matador. Nobody wants to be a victim of a cow attack. It could be very painful, dangerous, and deadly.

The best way to avoid a cow attack is to prevent one. So, do you prevent a cow attack? How do you detect that a cow is angry? How do you avoid it when it is angry?

– Don’t climb fences or enter areas that you are not sure of. In rural areas where cows are prevalent, it is common for cattle guards to be used across driveways where there is a break in the fence. Unless you have the owners permission, never trespass onto private property.

– Do not walk through a herd of cows. Seems pretty simple, If you see loose cattle on the road, avoid them. If you have to go through a cow pasture, do it as fast as you can or avaoid it. If you really have to walk through a herd, make sure you stay calm and walk slowly but confidently.

– Do not raise your voice when around cows. Speak in your normal tone to avoid startling them.

– Do not approach the cows from their blind spot. Make sure they see you coming, so as not to startle them. You can make noise and/or approach at a wide-angle.

– If you have a dog or any other animal that can startle the cows, keep them away. Of course, if you have a trained cattle dog that is a different story but, keep in mind that a cattle bred dog is different from one that is trained to work cows. A cow attack can severely injure or even kill your dog, especially an untrained dog with an unknown herd.

– Stay away from calves. If cows see you going towards their calves, their maternal instincts may prompt them to attack you.

– If you see an angry cow or cows, do not fret. Remain calm, do not look them in their eyes, and ensure your body faces them. Do not turn around or run.

– When approaching a herd of cows, go with a partner or a group. The large presence can deter cows from attacking. Also, with many people around, there will be some help if anything goes wrong.

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