Rarely kept cattle breeds that can change your fortunes.

Jaguza Farm Support > Beef Farming > Rarely kept cattle breeds that can change your fortunes.

Rarely kept cattle breeds that can change your fortunes.

Aberdeen Angus
If you want to keep cattle for beef or improve the local breeds like Zebu and Sahiwal, then you need to consider the Aberdeen Angus.

This cattle is naturally polled, therefore, you do not need to dehorn it. They can be black or red in colour, although black is the dominant colour, white may occasionally appear on the udder.

Like most beef cattle, angus beef breed is very tolerant and can survive in semi-arid areas such as Kotido. They also have superior feed conversion.

They are very adaptable, good natured and mature extremely early and have a high carcass yield with tender meat, which is why they are kept for beef production.

While some farmers keep them for meat, they are used for crossbreeding to improve beef quality of local breeds such as Zebu, Boran and Sahiwal.

The typical Charolais is white in colour with a pink muzzle and pale hooves. They are born with horns, therefore, dehorning is necessary for easy handling.

Although white is the dominant colour among the cattle breed, there are now Charolais cattle being bred black and red in colours.

Charolais are medium to large framed beef cattle with a very deep and broad body. They have a short, broad head and heavily muscled loins and haunches. In Africa, the largest population of the breed is found in South Africa followed by Kenya.

Charolais are hardy animals that can adapt to various climate conditions. They can graze on pasture that many other breeds cannot use and gain weight and muscle rapidly. Charolais bulls can weigh up to 1,130kg and cows up to 900kg.

Brown Swiss
The greyish cow, which is native to Switzerland, has the potential to boost dairy farming in semi-arid areas.

Hereford is black or brown with a white head, crest, dewlap, or underline. These cattle are known for their vigour and foraging ability. They are also very docile breeds, thus, allowing easier handling than other cattle breeds. Like the Angus, Herefords are mainly bred for beef. Like most beef cattle, they are foragers, thus, require a lot of rearing spaces such as a ranch.

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