Most preferred forages for Rabbits

Jaguza Farm Support > Rabbit Farming > Most preferred forages for Rabbits

Most preferred forages for Rabbits

Suitable forages for Rabbits include Potatoes leaf (Solanum tuberosum), Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), Sow thistle (Sonchus sp), Goose grass (Galium aparine), Pumkpin leaves (Telfairia. Occidentalis Guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus), Pear leaf (Persea americana), Pawpaw leaf (Carica papaya), Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina, Banana/plantain leaf (Musa/ Musa paradisiacal).

Reason why these forages are preferred by the farmers are; availability and palatability, high nutritional content, they are prefer by the animal, drying of forage before feeding to rabbit

The forages are more nutritious when fed fresh, the rabbit doesn’t like it dry, forages are readily available, fresh forage is their source of water

However, some forages may be harmful forages such as Spear grass, Fresh cassava leaf, Saint Basil leaf. These forages affect the rabbit when fed like stomach/gastric upset, killing of the rabbit cutting of rabbit mouth, abortion. 

Harvested hay

Standing hay the most preferred forage by the farmers is potato leaf due its availability/palatability and nutritional content stated that they do not dry forages before feeding rabbits; forages are more nutritious when fed fresh are forages that are harmful to rabbits? The most observed harmful forages from experience by farmers are fresh cassava leaves (Manihot utilissima) ,followed by spear grass (Heteropogon contortus and basil leaf (Occimomum Basilicum) Harmful forages affect the rabbits in the following ways, stomach/gastric upset  death of the rabbit  cutting of the rabbit mouth and abortion.

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