What Poultry farmers need to Know as beginners

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What Poultry farmers need to Know as beginners

A Service of a consultant or an expert is very important to have in order to keep alert of any health issues that may arise. Farm environment should be clean, free from bushes, weeds. A mere or 2 away from the poultry house should be kept grass free.

Poultry houses should be in East-West direction and there should be cross ventilation. All materials in the farm premises should remain inside the farm and materials coming outside the farm premises should disinfected…..but it’s not always a good idea to hire or lend any farm equipment to another farmer!

Drinkers Feeders, Cages, Nests, Incubators, Egg Trays, Perches, Lighting Instruments,  Coops, Crates, Heaters or Brooders should be disinfected and washed after use and keep them safe from rats! The best disinfectant that will not  corrode equipments is called viruchoc

 An area should be available or provided for visitors, outsiders and visitor’s vehicle  in order not to bring infections into the farm. This buffer zone should be located somewhere near the gate

Biosecurity measures (Provision of  tyre dip at the farm entrance, foot dip at each entrance of the pen and others)…..the best and most effective disinfectant to use in this case is VIRUCHOC….This disinfectant comes from france, very strong, very stable, effective on all bacteria and viruses, and you use less compared to other disinfectants.

Each pen should be 20ft to 30ft apart from each other. This is done to give enough air flow in between houses.

Egg rooms, security rooms and visitors room should be located at the entrance of the farm. Egg buyers will not contaminate your farm, remembering that  these people come from different farms.

Disposal pit should be constructed far to the pens or at extreme end of the farm. If near, it can cause re infections in case dead birds are disposed off wrongly. 

Poultry farm should be located far away from residential area, bse the ammonia released smells awful. 

Provision of storage facilities, motorable roads and power supply. Roads in a farm should not be dusty, should be easy to clean and disinfect.

Labourers or attendant’s relatives, friends and family should be avoided. No one should enter the poultry house apart from the worker. This is done to avoid disease transmission. 

Each pen should be assigned to different attendant, for small scale farms of different houses, hands should be washed before attending to another set of birds. Have a good disinfectant called  viruchoc at your farm. Non irritant, non corrosive, safe for you and your  birds.

There should a ventilated room for feed, drugs and other inputs, we mistakenly use worker’s houses to stock feeds. Feeds need a well ventilated store. Where feeds can remain safe for chicken consumption. All drugs , and vitamins cannot withstand temperatures above 20 degrees. It’s better to keep eggs in a room well ventilated at about 18 degrees temperature.

All in all out is very important. It’s not right to keep different flocks of different ages in the same house. We do it by mistake. The repercussions are worse. If you can, the best way would be:
Stock one house fully at a time. And the stock another in a different house. Not good at all to mix age groups in the same house.

Mortalities, casualties and Crack eggs should be picked by attendants immediately.  Leaving them in the laying boxes may cause damage to other normal eggs, you know birds have a habit of eating eggs. And once they see a damaged egg, they will scramble for it, and in so doing they may dirten or damage other normal eggs. Damaged eggs kept in trays with normal eggs may cause rotting or a whole tray of eggs.

Market should be available for your produce. Good enough eggs are always having demand.

Operating  funds should be available. It’s not a right choice to start a farm using loans, but rather use a loan for expansion with experience. Or you can still grow organically. Remember to have your budget ready before starting the project.

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