Steps to Conduct AI in Goats

Jaguza Farm Support > Goats > Steps to Conduct AI in Goats

Steps to Conduct AI in Goats

In goat production, artificial Insemination has been limited to mostly dairy goat herds. However, meat goat producers have shown interest in learning this technique to accelerate genetic gain in their herds. Below are the steps of artificial insemination using frozen semen.

Identify the Doe(female goat) in heat and certify the correct time for AI.

For a better access to the Doe’s cervix, place the Doe in the stand, with the back legs up, raising its back and leaving its front legs in support and its neck and head toward the ground.

If needed, wash the Doe’s vulva with clean water to remove any dirt, and dry the area with a clean paper towel.

Introduce the vaginal speculum and be sure to check for the appropriately-sized speculum. If needed, apply a non-spermicidal lubricant or petroleum jelly to facilitate the introduction of the speculum in the vagina. To introduce the speculum, open the labia of the vulva with one hand and with the other hand, gently introduce the thinner extremity of the speculum. As soon as it is introduced in the vagina, use a little pressure to orient the speculum toward and down to the vaginal floor. Use light source to visualize the cervix. Be sure to distinguish the cervix from the pleats of the vagina.

Examine mucus consistency and, if needed, remove excessive vaginal mucus with the speculum.

If it is time for AI ­ Determine which buck the doe should be inseminated to before thawing the semen.

Prior to thawing the semen, use a thermometer to check for water temperature (95 to 98° F) before withdrawing the straw from the tank. Never lift a canister above the frost line of the tank. When the straw is removed with a  tweezer from the tank it should be placed immediately in the thaw bath.

Do not expose semen to direct sun light. Do not refreeze semen that has been thawed.

Remove straw from the tank for periods as brief as 5 seconds. If you cannot remove the straw at the first attempt, lower the caner back to the bottom of the tank for at least 30 seconds before trying again. Stay out of direct sunlight because ultraviolet light has a spermicidal effect that will kill the sperm cells.

Rapidly deposit the straw in the thaw bath to protect it from the sunlight.

Warm the barrel of the straw gun, Dry the straw with a clean paper towel, Cut the correct extremity of the straw or the opposite side of the cotton plug.

Insert straw into gun; be sure to protect the straw from the sunlight and extreme temperatures, Place the plastic sheath over the gun barrel.

Return to the Doe, introduce a clean vaginal speculum, and remove excess mucus.

Introduce the gun into the vagina to the direction of the cervical os, passing the gun through cervical rings until it reaches the uterine lumen, the interior of the uterus. If the operator encounters resistance in accessing the interior of the uterus, deposit the semen in the exterior of cervix, and make a note of this in your records.

Remove the gun speculum and leave the doe for a few minutes in the standing position before releasing her.

Observe if reflux of the semen to the gun occurred.

If possible, use a microscope to check for semen left in the straw. Check for sperm motility.

Release the doe from the AI stand gently. Record information from empty straw before discarding.

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