Environmental control tips for laying hens

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Environmental control tips for laying hens

Many chicken farmers are currently subject to management techniques, financial resource conditions, etc., and generally have simple production management phenomena, which are characterized by poor conditions in the chicken house, poor disinfection concept, and poor understanding of harmless changes. Understanding the effects of the environment on chicken growth, weight gain and egg production results into efficiency of chicken production. It is necessary to control the internal and external environment of the chicken house and avoid environmental pressure to ensure the health, high yield, weight gain, low consumption and high efficiency of the chicken. Therefore, the following points should be noted:

First, to strengthen the ventilation of the house, to ensure that the ventilation of oxygen supply is very important to improve the environment of the house. Chickens consume oxygen and emit carbon dioxide, and the concentration of carbon dioxide is too high, affecting health, ammonia and other harmful gases produced by chicken manure also pose a threat to the health of chickens. Therefore, it is necessary to install ventilation equipment (such as ceiling fans and exhaust fans), strengthen ventilation and increase air flow in the house, on the one hand, reduce harmful gases in the house, and on the other hand, dusty pathogenic microorganisms also flow with the air outside the house.

To reduce the incidence of various infectious diseases, three-layer chicken cages are recommended for high temperatures, and four different layers are recommended for cages in different countries.

Second, improve the chicken house facilities, maintain the appropriate temperature and humidity for the chicken growth. The temperature and humidity in the chicken house are affected by the chicken weight, density, temperature, water volume, chicken and other factors. The suitable temperature range is 13.5 24.5 ° C; relative humidity, in addition to raising the young In the early stages of age, it is good to keep 55%-60% for the rest of the time. If the ambient temperature is outside the proper temperature range, the chicken mainly relies on chemical means to regulate body temperature, and the metabolic rate should be increased. First, it shows an increase or decrease in body temperature, and secondly, it affects feed utilization, yield decline, and slow weight gain. With the increasing awareness of farmers, many farmers now choose an automatic temperature control system that matches the chicken cage, and the house is thermostated.

Third, in the warm season, open the window of the chicken house for ventilation. It is recommended to choose and purchase a complete chicken house and chicken cage or poultry equipment. Customized ventilation windows according to the area of the chicken house, chickens produced from excessive heat discharged from the house , reduce the temperature of the house. Summer should be done to prevent heatstroke from cooling. Conditional farmers can install electric fans or air conditioners to keep the house temperature and humidity. The roof of the broiler house should be set to prevent the sun from radiating heat. Grass can be planted around the house to reduce radiant heat on the ground. Pay attention to the cold in winter, and pay attention to the weather changes to prevent the house from going up and down.

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