Happiness Umutoni replied to the topic Efficiency of vaccines through water in the forum Chicken feeding and watering 4 years, 9 months ago
The reality tells a different story. Some research shows that the results of drinking water vaccination against Gumboro (IBD) at many farms does not meet the required coverage of 95+%. In reality about 27% of the birds were not vaccinated at all and almost 30% did not receive enough vaccine or not at the right time.
Happiness Umutoni replied to the topic Efficiency of vaccines through water in the forum Chicken feeding and watering 4 years, 9 months ago
Water is the most important nutrient for any living species. Providing water requires a watering system which has been made out of material that can be easily cleaned and maintained. It is often thought that this system will cut labor costs and once you have it installed nothing can go wrong.
Happiness Umutoni replied to the topic Do we have any cases of barren chicken? in the forum Chicken breeding & hatching 4 years, 9 months ago
I would say that it would be kinda hard for a chicken to be barren in the way that you are using it. A hen is like a woman, but instead of having “monthlies” a hen has “dailys” or at the most “weeklies” so, a barren woman typically still ovulates, but just doesn’t get pregnant, a hen not laying eggs isn’t ovulating either which should indicate a…Read more
Happiness Umutoni replied to the topic Do eggs absorb odors from their surrounding? in the forum Egg quality & storage 4 years, 9 months ago
Eggs have the ability to absorbs odors from foods with strong smells. Eggs have over 17,000 pores in the the outer shell. They easily absorb strong odors from other foods. Eggs should always be kept covered when in a confined place, like the refrigerator.
Happiness Umutoni replied to the topic How do Sheep relate to other farm mammals? in the forum Behavior and herd management 4 years, 9 months ago
Sheep can live with goats on the same pasture, provided that they have ample space to avoid each other if they choose, with one major caveat: goats can eat minerals formulated for sheep, but sheep can not have access to minerals formulated for goats; minerals for goats have copper supplemented in them, and sheep are highly susceptible to copper toxicity.