Kasim Kungu started the topic How do i transport my bred cow in the forum Questions, Tutorials, and Inquiries 5 years, 9 months ago
Hello, we’re selling our Fresian cow that is due to calf in two weeks. Is it better to transport her now or wait till after she calves? She’ll have a 3 hour journey to her new home Also, she’ll be traveling with two Bulls. Please advice
Thanks in advance -
Kasim Kungu started the topic Blood scours and ticks in the forum Animal feeding and nutrition 5 years, 9 months ago
Hello I have 2 calves about 7 weeks old and one had blood scours really bad to the point there was chunks of blood everywhere! Its cleared up now but he still has diarrhea and looks really down. The other calf had heaps of ticks that have now been removed but I can’t seem to find any on the sick calf cause he’s really furry, any tips on how to…Read more
Kasim Kungu replied to the topic Do I need housing for free range system? in the forum Do I need housing for free range system? 5 years, 10 months ago
If your idea is purely free range, you might need to have more trees on the farm to provide shades for your cows in the hot seasons.
Kasim Kungu replied to the topic Mosquitoes on the farm in the forum Parasites and Predators 5 years, 10 months ago
Use cow dung my friend. You will see a change. Gather dry cow dung and burn it from within the cattle shades and where you suspect the mosquitoes to breed from.