• Associated with inadequate supplies of oxygen, poor ventilation and physiology (oxygen demand, may be related to type of stock and strain). Ascites is a disease of broiler chickens occurring worldwide but especially at high altitude. The disease has a complex aetiology andis predisposed by reduced ventilation, high altitude, and respiratory…Read more

  • Greyhound Bay was once a place where old ships came to die. A wild stretch of coast on the western edge of the Sahara, its shallows made a convenient, if desolate, spot to scuttle an obsolete trawler, freighter or […]

  • The size of your pig housing infrastructure will depend on the number of pigs you have. Ideally, it should be strong, simple and adaptable, and it need not be expensive.

    This article considers the basics needed […]

  • According to Kalungi Charles, proper rearing, feeding and right nutrition application rates are of the utmost importance if you want to have optimum yield and get good returns.

    How can a farmer increase his […]

  • What is Hydroponic Fodder?

    Fodder is food given to livestock. Thus, hydroponic fodder is the livestock food produced using hydroponics. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil in a hydroponic […]

  • Uganda Meat Producers Cooperative Union Ltd. in partnership with Zoetis A.L.P.H.A Initiative have set up two animal diagnostic laboratories in Butalangu – Nakaseke district and Nabitanga in Sembabule district. T […]

  • Oh and I added pro biotics this morning to his replacer.

    And I’ve just gotta say thank you Charles for everything your doing here. You’ve already given me some great advice and I’ve read through most of the posts on here and you’ve helped a lot of people. Thanks again.

  • Ok! That’s good to know!! I thought it was a lot but that’s what the guy I got them from was feeding them. I’ll cut it back. The one calf is doing great. Super healthy and looks to have no more scours. The other guy which is smaller (and possibly younger) is still scoured up and now has a runny nose. His eyes are still bright and he will get up…Read more

  • They are about 2 weeks old. I don’t know if he has a fever… I don’t know what kind of scour pill I gave him either :/. I just asked for some at the feed store and they put them in a paper bag so I don’t have the packaging. They are in a barn stall with no drafts and 2 heat lamps on them and plenty of straw to lay in and some fine stem hay and…Read more

  • Geoffrey Joe replied to the topic in the forum Geoffrey Joe 5 years, 7 months ago

    In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances…Read more

  • Abortion in the cow is defined as foetal death and expulsion between day 45 and day 265 of pregnancy.

    Most cattle herds suffer an abortion rate of 1-2%. A single abortion, is thus no great cause for alarm.
    An annual abortion rate up to 5% is considered to be normal. This figure excludes most abortions occurring during the second and third…Read more

  • Aspergillosis is an opportunistic, noncontagious fungal infection caused by inhalation of spores of ubiquitous, saprophytic fungi of the genus Aspergillus. The three most common species of this genus are A. fumigatus and A. niger, which cause aspergillosis, and A. ?avus, which produces a mycotoxin (a?atoxin). The disease usually affects the…Read more

  • I just got 2 Holstein Bull bottle calves yesterday. They both had scours when I got them, I gave them each half a scour pill yesterday… One of the calves is super healthy and crazy about his bottle, the other calf showed no interest at all in eating yesterday when I got him home (they were both up and alert when I picked them up) and just laid…Read more

  • Thank you so much for your kind support!

  • So, the only cost to you is the price of the cows? Are they on your own land or the partners?

  • I live in Wakiso. As far as land I run my few cows with my grandfathers on 150 acres. I am hoping that he will allow me to rent his farm when he decides to sell out but nothing is certain. If I were allowed to rent it, it has 2 barns with working corrals. One of my main questions is does it pay to rent land? Or is it too difficult to make a profit…Read more

  • Hello all,

    I am a 20 year old looking for some helpful tips. Cattle are my passion and I would love to make a career as a purebred breeder one day. I live on 40 acres of my parents land that isn’t much for running cattle (very hilly timber). I currently work on a small ranch talking care of about 250 cows while also taking care of 20 cows here…Read more

  • Geoffrey Joe replied to the topic in the forum Geoffrey Joe 5 years, 11 months ago

    I’m also novicer for this business and I have collected some details of breeds like hf, jersey and Indian cattle like brahman, vechur, gir. For milk yielding purpose HF and Jersey is suitable breeds.

  • Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is an extremely contagious and infectious viral trans-boundary animal disease that affects cloven-hoofed animals especially ruminants and pigs. The disease causes immense losses in […]

  • Geoffrey Joe wrote a new post 6 years ago

    In Summary

    In 2015, the government through the Ministry of Agriculture, declared a quarantine in the district and indefinitely closed cattle markets to avert the spread of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD). […]

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