• Ascites is associated with inadequate supplies of oxygen, poor ventilation and physiology (oxygen demand, may be related to type of stock and strain). Ascites is a disease of broiler chickens occurring worldwide […]

  • White muscle disease is also known as nutritional myopathy of calves. It is normally seen in young calves and is associated with deficiencies of selenium or vitamin E, or both.
    There are two forms of white muscle […]

  • Wooden tongue, sometimes referred to as “woody tongue” is an infection caused by bacteria; Actinobacillus lignieresii. This disease can be expressed as either abscesses or wooden tongue or both. The bacteria that […]

  • Mainly occurring in Africa, Trypanosomosis, or Sleeping Disease, is a infection affecting both animals and humans.

    The disease mainly occurs in areas where Tsetse flies inhabit. Tsetse flies infest 10 million […]

  • Avian Influenza (AI) is a contagious viral infection which can affect all species of birds. In intensive poultry rearing systems young fattening turkeys and laying hens are usually the most affected species. […]

  • Anthrax, a highly infectious and fatal disease of mammals and humans, is caused by a relatively large spore-forming rectangular shaped bacterium called Bacillus anthracis.

    Anthrax occurs on all the continents, […]

  • If your rabbit is suffering from the snuffles, you may notice him develop watery eyes, a runny nose and sneezing often. This is typically caused by an infection of his tear ducts or nasal sinuses. Due to the […]

  • Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a severe, highly contagious viral disease of cattle and swine. It also affects sheep, goats, deer, and other cloven-hooved ruminants. FMD is not recognised as a zoonotic […]

  • Grace Aleng tasted rabbit meat stew as part of meals often prepared by her grandmother.
    From the tasty broth, she made up her mind that when she had some money, she would invest in rearing […]

  • We have no vets around the area as of now. It takes a while to get one from town

  • Pay a vet to come around and teach you.It is better you learn it yourself

  • I can’t really justify buying a bull but would like to produce calves at some point. I live in a rural area with a lot of small farms. My question is do most vets that make farm calls do artificial insemination? Or do i need to just try to find someone that will loan us a bull?

  • Geoffrey Joe replied to the topic in the forum Geoffrey Joe 5 years, 6 months ago

    I also live in Jinja. You will need 5 acres/cow-calf pair. of pasture for most normal seasons. This past year 7 ac/cow would have been better. If you are using your irrigated ground for hay you have 700 ac of pasture. IF you want to start conservative start 100 head/pair and grow to 140, as you see how you land handles the land handles the grazing…Read more

  • Understanding a common disease in poultry reared under intensive housing system that farmers ignore

    Foot Pad Dermatitis is a common problem of chicken reared under intensive housing systems but farmers ignore […]

  • Turkeys are great bird for raising in your farm. They are also good as pets. But there are some diseases and problems in turkeys. They are like other poultry birds such as chickens and susceptible to diseases and […]

  • Retained placenta is one of the complications associated with delivery in dairy cows and other livestock species such as pigs, goats, sheep, horses and donkeys. Under normal circumstances, the placenta should be […]

  • Beekeeping (apiculture) is a livestock subsector with a huge untapped potential to contribute to Uganda’s rural household income and foreign earnings. It is an uncomplicated venture, relatively cheap to start and […]

  • Bees are insects that are mostly reared for honey. However they also have other functions such as wax pollinating crop flowers as well as other medical functions in the body. In livestock farming bee keeping is a […]

  • A number of management practices are vital when rearing rabbits.


    Feed them on greens, hay, home-mixed grains, and commercial rabbit pellets to meet all their nutritional requirements. Hay is given to […]

  • Unless proper precautions are followed, pig, dog and cat manure can be harmful to human health. The composting process that can kill organisms harmful to man requires high temperatures and special conditions […]

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