• Severe, untreated scours can kill a calf in less than twenty-four hours. Frequent, runny diarrhea depletes the calf of necessary salts and water more quickly that he can replace it. If you are raising calves, do […]

  • Cow’s milk is the standard “drinking milk,” but goat’s milk enjoys a niche market for certain consumers. It’s easier to digest and some folks with dairy sensitivities can consume it safely.

    Goats are hardy […]

  • The first question you need to ask yourself is: Do I need to re-queen this hive and replace my queen bee? Here are some of the most common reasons for re-queening a hive:

    Old queen. Your queen may be more than […]

  • In order to breed your pigs, it is essential to choose the opportune time. There are several elements to this, all of which must coincide for a successful breeding to take place. If just one part of the plan were […]

  • Water is very vital in a Rabbits diet. Rabbits must have access to plenty of fresh water at all times. Rabbits eating lots of fresh grass and greens will drink less, whilst those eating mostly hay will drink […]

  • It is no secret that bugs make delicious snacks for a chicken. Since chickens are omnivores, bugs actually make up an important part of their diet and provide them with necessary protein. If you watch your […]

  • Early labour in a cow, know what to do. When you are expecting calves, you should start monitoring your mama cows. If you are keeping an eye on them, you will know when labor starts, so […]

  • For a farmer to have a successful farming business, they must have adequate time for his farm. This is what has kept Henry Nsereko, commonly known as Nkokonyoole a 70 year old urban diary farmer going as a zero […]

  • I Store my chicken feed outside in aluminum garbage cans with lids. I had to throw one bag away because the lid wasn’t tight enough and water got in. The second one has a super tight lid so no water but I just discovered worms all in the feed as I got towards the bottom of the bag. Probably maggots, Tanish short fat worms. I’m tossing the food but…Read more

  • For the ticks ,make sure you look in the ears and around them, that’s a bad spot

  • Docking is the intentional removal of part of an animal’s tails or, sometimes, ears. The term cropping is more commonly used in reference to the cropping of ears, while docking more commonly but not exclusively […]

  • For honey bees to produce honey, they consume pollen and nectar from a variety of flowers. Honey bees are attracted to gardens and fields that offer a variety of flowering vegetation.

    Pollen, a powdery […]

  • If you watch a pig for a long enough amount of time, you will notice certain behaviors that are common amongst the species. This could be ways in which they conduct themselves, such as types of movement or the way […]

  • A big part of animal care is disease mitigation and prevention. Regardless of the type of animal you own, be it a cat, dog, horse, or goat, illness and disease are issues with which you may be faced. The best case […]

  • Omphalitis is a disease responsible for a lot of chick deaths during the first week of life. Also referred to as Mushy Chick Disease or Navel Ill, Omphalitis is essentially a navel-yolk sack infection in which a […]

  • When you are deciding which breed of cattle you should start out farming with, you should consider several things.

    1. Beef or Dairy?Of course, you can slaughter any breed of cattle and get a decent side of […]

  • Scours is the cattleman’s term for severe, watery diarrhea that usually affects calves. Scours is the primary cause of death for calves younger than a month old. When you see a calf beginning to scour, quick […]

  • Rabbit meat is more than just a delicacy, nutritionists say. Muniirah Mbabazi, a nutritionist and lecturer at Makerere University School of Health Science, says rabbit meat is tastier than chicken.

    “Rabbit i […]

  • Those who own small acreage may wonder about grazing multiple species of animals on their land. Perhaps you have a few cows and wonder if you can add a sheep to the mix. Or maybe you have some brushy patches on […]

  • There are many turkey breeds available throughout the world. But not nearly as many turkey breeds as there are chicken breeds or duck breeds. Although, there are still enough varieties to choose from. Some of […]

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