• Poultry farmers can adopt Christmas melon extract to cure the deadly and contagious Newcastle disease (ND) that attack their birds and avoid the use of antibiotics and other synthetic drugs that often raise their […]

  • Tetanus is a non-contagious, infectious disease of mammals caused by bacterial toxin characterized by spasmodic contraction of skeletal muscles. Sheep and goats are more susceptible than cattle.

    The disease is […]

  • As with calving, the young of the goat may be in an abnormal position and the birth is difficult.If you want to help you will need a bar of soap and clean water.

    Scrub your hands and fingernails then wash the […]

  • Quail farming is very economical yet very rewarding . It requires minimum floor space and needs low investment

    Quails are comparatively sturdy birds, they can be marketed at an early age ie. five weeks

    They […]

  • Dry period in Diary production refers to the 50 to 60 days when a lactating but pregnant cow is given a break from milking prior to next calving down. During this period milking is stopped and the cow given […]

  • In 2016, animal nutritionist, Dr Ben Lukuyu, was quoted in the media as saying that Uganda is the biggest per capita consumer of pork in Africa, and second to China, international.
    Nelson Sempa, who practices […]

  • Isolation of sick animals is one of the ways of effectively handling sick animals on a farm.Isolation is the process of segregation of affected and in contact animals from the apparently healthy ones, in the event […]

  • Treats are special and are meant to be a supplement for what your chickens are normally fed. While an excited response from your chickens to special treats probably makes you feel good, you need to be cautious to […]

  • Rabbits are herbivores, but does that mean that all plants are safe and healthy for them to eat?  The surprising answer is no! There are plenty of things that you should not be feeding your rabbit that might seem […]

  • Lice and  ticks can be confusing if not clearly differentiated because all are external parasites . Below are some ways you can tell the difference. Swine Lice or Hog Lice are relatively large external blood […]

  • CODD (Contangoius Ovine Digital Dermatitis) is a bacterial infection caused by the Treponema species and is similar to digital dermatitis in cattle. Interestingly Dichelobacter nodosus, the bacteria that causes […]

  • If you’re new to rearing goats, you might wonder how you will know if one of your goats is sick. While some signs of illness are self-explanatory, here is how you can identify a healthy or sick goat. Knowing […]

  • Patrick Ogwang Obia walks in his livestock farm sitting on a two-acre land in Goi Village, Atong-tidi Sub-county, Kwania District while scouting ticks on his animals.
    It has become Ogwang’s routine to check o […]

  • One of the fastest and easiest ways to put meat on the kitchen table is by raising your own broiler chickens. With a maturity rate faster than any other form of livestock, chickens can be mature and ready to eat […]

  • Buying your a cow or group of cows is a big step. You will have to live with this decision for a long time and you will probably be spending a lot of money, so think it over and take your time. Here are several […]

  • Proper ventilation of the rabbitry is essential. The walls, roof and door of the hutch can be covered with chicken wire netting (37mm mesh) or made up of wood or bamboo placed 20mm apart.In high altitude areas […]

  • Pigs should always be handled calmly and with care to prevent the animal becoming stressed and causing injury to itself, other animals and the handler. Pigs cannot be lead by the head, they must be driven from […]

  • Chicken house cleaning is one of those tasks that is never much fun but must be done regardless. If you have a dirt floor, the job can be even more tedious as you cannot really do much with dirt other than slowly […]

  • While bees can fly up to two miles to find nectar and pollen, they do best with less “travel time.” Bees can be kept almost anywhere; they do not have to be in a “perfect” spot. Choosing the best possible […]

  • Natural brooding vs artificial brooding in poultry The proper brooding of chickens is one of the most difficult operations on many poultry farms, especially for the beginner. Many poultry keepers […]

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